Diabetes management

Well-managed diabetes will aid your recovery from surgery, whilst poorly controlled blood glucose levels may result in the need to delay or postpone surgery. You should visit your usual doctor in the lead up to surgery, to ensure your diabetes management is on track – this may include a blood test, review of your medications and record of your blood sugar levels. When you are in hospital for surgery, your usual diabetes regime may need to be adjusted by your doctor to account for changes that can affect your blood glucose levels such as:

  • Fasting (not eating or drinking)
  • New or changed medications, including anaesthesia
  • Changes in activity levels and eating patterns
  • Stress, anxiety, or pain

Planning and managing your diabetes before surgery, during your hospital stay and on discharge can reduce your risk, or even prevent complications like infection and delayed wound healing.  It is important to closely monitor your blood glucose levels before and after surgery and be aware of signs of low blood glucose levels and have management plans ready.

You will receive personalised advice about your fasting and medication instructions closer to your surgery date. We may ask you to reduce or stop your diabetes medications at a certain time and date.

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