If you have significant medical conditions or are having complex surgery, your surgeon may refer you to the Pre-admission Clinic in the weeks before your operation. At the Clinic, you will be reviewed by nursing and medical staff from your surgical service, and may be assessed by an anaesthetist. If blood tests or x-rays are needed prior to your surgery, the clinic nurses will also organise these for you on the day of your visit. You may bring a family member with you, who may also come in during the various assessments if you wish. Your visit is likely to take 3-4 hours.

The anaesthetist will review your history and medications, perform a brief physical examination, and then discuss the options for your anaesthetic and postoperative pain management. The risks associated with the anaesthetic will be outlined, and you will be able to ask questions and ensure you understand the plan for your care. The anaesthetist who reviews you in the clinic may not be the same anaesthetist who looks after you on the day of your surgery, however all the information obtained from your visit will be documented in your file and available on the day.

What you must bring to your assessment

  • All your current medications, or an up to date list including doses
  • If you see a cardiologist, respiratory specialist, haematologist or endocrinologist, please bring copies of any recent letters or reports from them. If you have been reviewed by any medical specialists in the last 12 months and do not have any letters from them, please ask your GP for any copies they might have, and bring the name, phone number and address of the specialist.
  • If you have been admitted to hospital in the last 12 months, please bring copies of any discharge letters you were given
  • Copies of any blood results or chest x-rays you have had in the last month

Without this information, it will be difficult for us to safely assess and plan your peri-operative care.

Contact information

Take the orange lifts to level 4, and check in for your appointment with the administrative staff.

The Clinic is open from 8 am to 4 pm, Monday to Friday.

Phone:  02 9465 8636
Fax: 02 9463 2025