• Departmental Head of Academics and Research: A/Prof Matthew Doane
  • Research Coordinator: Queenie Leung

For further information at research at RNS Anaesthesia Department, please contact A/Prof Matthew Doane (


Participating Centre for:

  • LOLIPOP Trial: An international RCT to assess effectiveness of lignocaine infusion to reduce incidence of moderate or severe chronic post-surgical pain following breast cancer surgery
  • The SNaPP Study: Sugammadex, Neostigmine and Postoperative Pulmonary ComplicationThis is a multicentre, comparative effectiveness trial to compare the incidence of death and new pulmonary complications up to hospital discharge (or postoperative day 7 if still in hospital) in patients who are randomised to sugammadex or neostigmine for reversing neuromuscular blockade.   3,500 patients will be enrolled at sites affiliated with the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists Clinical Trials Network and has the potential to change practice immediately and improve outcomes for millions of patients and health services worldwide
  • Evaluating the efficacy of an mHealth intervention to support pain self-management and improve analgesia in patients with rib fractures:  This is a prospective clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of an mHealth intervention  in reducing pain intensity on respiration during early recovery from rib fractures (Days 1-14)
  •  Assessment and quantification of patient educational materials in NSW Health: An evaluation of language appropriateness and scope

      CURRENT MD Projects

      • Assessment of demographic characteristics and outcomes for Code Crimson patients presenting to Royal North Shore Hospital


      The Royal North Shore Hospital Department of Anaesthesia, Pain, and Perioperative Medicine is affiliated with The Northern Sydney Anaesthesia Research Institute (NSARI) – an independent not-for-profit research organisation affiliated with Royal North Shore Hospital and the University of Sydney. Their aim is to promote and produce clinically relevant research in the field of anaesthesia. Their vision is to become a premier medical research institute in the field of perioperative medicine. Find out more about NSARI here.